YEAR 2022/2023


December 15th 2022



   Last one this Term! 👋

December 1st 2022

Last November 29th, 2° Bachillerato students paid a visit to Cadiz Courts, thanks to the Geography and History Department. 


They visited the San Felipe Neri Oratory, a space that hosted the meetings of the Courts that passed and proclaimed the first Spanish Constitution on March 19th 1812, as well as the Courts Museum and its valuable model of 18th century Cadiz.


Then, they toured the city centre, (with 📸👩🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏼👩🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏾👩🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏻👩🏼‍🤝‍🧑🏻 at Cadiz Courts Monument in Plaza de España).

Finally, they went into the Cathedral and Poniente Tower, samples of the cultural and artistic heritage of the 18th century, also known as Cadiz Golden Age.

(Translated by Ángela OdeL. Q., 4ºB)

November 30th 2022



30 de Noviembre de 2022

Science Methods Students of 2º ESO, Diver students from 3º ESO and Special Needs Students visited "La Reverde" Cooperative, were they were taught about the procedures used in organic farming, mainly 

based on sustainable and seasonal crops, highlighting the preservation of natural resources and respecting the environment at all times.

(Translated by Jaime dJ.O. 4ºA)

November 17th 2022


Eventually all 🍎🍎🍎🍎were given out

(and eaten)!!

We were looking forward to Fruiting 😊

November 11th 2022

Values and Non-verbal Communication

The purpose of the “Non-verbal Language Exhibition” carried out by 3º ESO students is to make people able to modify their own behaviour, in a relatively permanent way, through body gestures, and project an image of acceptance to others, promoting empathy and a friendly and peaceful environment.

According to a study by Amy Cudy, a social psychologist from Harvard University, the practice of changing body posture produces physiological changes, increasing the feeling of safety, self-confidence and reducing stress.

(Translated by Pablo S.C., 4ºB)

November 9th 2022


with 1º Bachillerato

(for emergency situations 🤕🚑🏥🩺)

with the help of Laura, from Parents' Association

October 28th 2022

To celebrate these days, the Religion Department has exhibited

a mural about the main scene in the reredos of San Miguel church:

The Battle of Angels.

(Translated by Luna T.R., 4ºB)

Official unveiling of our "Periodic Table".


Thanks to Yolanda Félix, who didn't lack the determination or interest and got it finished (despite the pandemic).

During academic years 2019/2020 and 2020/2021,  2º ESO students made the tiles that eventually were placed at the end of June 2022. 

October 26th 2022

Today, the Department of Physics and Chemistry has officially unveiled this tile mural in which we all wanted to show that thanks to Yolanda's huge interest it now decorates one of the walls of our Main Hall.

(And of course, thanks to Art teachers Luis C. and Jesús J. as well as all 2ºESO students that contributed to making the tiles)

(Translated by Vicky L.M., 4ºA)

October 24th 2022

Our 1ºB, 1ºD and 3ºE (Diver) students visited Santo Domingo Cloisters, where the Red Cross commemorated the Flag Day, and they got to know a little more about their social work with the most vulnerable groups.

"This year, the organisation has focused for the first time on environment and sustainable development. As last year, the humanitarian institution has left aside the typical  piggy banks. In 2021 the Flag Day devoted to thanking citizens for their unconditional support during the pandemic, but now they try to raise awareness about the importance of our commitment to stop climate change, to reduce unsustainable consumption and how to deal with the current situation of energy emergency".

Under the motto 'Oxygenate yourself', they enjoyed recycling and energy-saving workshops, ECO games and activities about 'Green Employment', as well as many other things." 


(Translated by Ana Lian R.M., 4ºB)

...and, after the visit, they met some Xerez Football team players. Of course, they took some pictures with them... 😉⚽📷

September 29th 2022