YEAR 2023/2024

Our educational system has the aim, among other, of teaching respect to the fundamental rights and freedom and the promotion of tolerance as part of the democratic principles of coesxistence, as well as fostering peace, cooperation and solidarity  among peoples.

In our programme, we take into cosideration interesting proposals to fully develop such capacities, integrating the values of respect, solidarity, peace, coesxistence, equality and tolerance. 

Among the specific actions for the treatment of Values Education, we can find ephemerides  which complement the direct action in class. 

November 29th 2023

November 20th

is the 

Universal Children's Day

And our 3ºESO students have prepared some videos to celebrate it.

YEAR 2022/2023

Day of Non-Violence and Peace

January 30th 2023 

Day of Non-Violence and Peace 

Oratory Contest

1st Part

Day of Non-Violence and Peace 

Oratory Contest

2nd Part

Thanks to all 1º ESO students for their participation and the ones in 

3º ESO (Diver) for the news bulletin and the technical support.

And of course to teacher Toñi P. for the video edition!

December 27th 2022

Christmas Charity Drive

December 10th 2022

Fátima, from “Proyecto Hombre”, was in charge of some workshops on the 28th, 29th and 30th of November at school:

ILLEGAL DRUGS, for 4º ESO students.

SPA: Siento, Pienso y Actúo, for 2º ESO students

VIDEOGAMES, for 3º ESO students 

Here you are some photos of the sessions.

November 9th 2022

The purpose of the “Non-verbal Language Exhibition” carried out by our 3º ESO 

students is to make people able to modify their own behaviour, in a relatively permanent way, through body gestures, and project an image of acceptance to others, promoting empathy and a friendly and peaceful environment.

According to a study by Amy Cudy, a social psychologist from Harvard University, the practice of changing body posture produces physiological changes, increasing the feeling of safety, self-confidence and reducing stress.

(Translated by Pablo S.C., 4ºB)